A downloadable game

Play it in full-screen for the best experience!

WASD for controls!

Try to find the Portal!

There are tons of bugs to be fix ! Nonetheless complete the game and let me know how you feel about it :)

I'd love some recommendations and learn some improvements that can be made !

Did this while working full-time so probably only had 4 days to complete this game :)

Do give comments and reviews! :D

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags2D, Aliens, jumping, Monsters, Singleplayer, Space


WhereMoon - yalamboy - GameJam2020.zip 44 MB


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nys gaem

(1 edit) (+1)

--100% Opinion based--

Hey there.

It's pretty solid for a first game, though I do have a few issues so lets sit down and have a cup of tea now shall we?

1. Some of the platforming was kind of odd (though that's not a bad thing). However, some sections looked a little rushed for my taste (i.e. Some platforms where just spammed across the stage, which I found to be lazy)

2.I can't see exactly where the platforms are. making it a little more frustrating to see where I am going.

3. Just a minor nitpick here, The way you put together the assets (I'm assuming you got them from the unity store since you made it in four days and have a full-time job) looks a little off. But that's just my opinion.

4. The camera movement makes me slightly sick for some odd reason (then again, I could just be tired LOL)

However, this is all to be expected with a first game.

Sorry for ripping this game a new one, I don't want to sound mean spirited because that's just rude lol. 

I would recommend fixing and polishing your games in the future but like I said for a first game, it's not bad. I mean, it's better then my first game XD. 

Unity is not really the best engine when it comes down to 2D so that may have something to do with then camera movement.

I hope to see more from you in the future, have a nice day :)


Hey thanks for you reply! I really appreciate the feedback! :D Yes it is still under development and there are tons of stuffs to be improve!

Nonetheless, thank you for the reply and I will note down the points you've given me. Thank you! :DD